Wednesday 30 April 2008

10,000 words to go!

I have just cracked the 80,000 word barrier. 80,657, to be precise. After all the ups and downs, being sacked by my agent, etc, I am enjoying writing again, but I have a very sad part to write and I know I shall cry all over the keyboard.

I also have a new title: Half a Rainbow. It sprang from something Nat, my heroine's elderly neighbour, said. I like it. What do you think? Please don't tell me it's been used already. If it has, I don't care. Half a Rainbow it's going to be!


Jackie Sayle said...

You're doing really well, Hydra, and I'm glad you're enjoying writing again. 'Half a Rainbow' is a lovely title. I once wrote a 10,000 word story entitled 'Ribbons for a Rainbow'. That was back in 1993. I must dig it out and see what I think of it now.

hydra said...

I LOVE the title, Ribbons for a Rainbow. Great alliteration too, those rolling 'r's'. That's a long story. It would be well worth digging out and seeing if you can sell it.