Friday 11 July 2008

Sleepless in Hillingdon

For months, I have suffered the kind of insomnia that prevents me from getting off to sleep. Now I have the other version. I fall asleep straight away, then wake, fully alert, all systems on go, only to find it's 3 am. Then, knowing I have a bare three quarters of an hour before chirrups and tweets assail my sensitive eardrums, I can't get back to sleep at all. This morning I was up at five, got beaten up by the cat until I fed him, and now a) I'm drooping over the keyboard and b) he thinks it's lunchtime at 11am.

We have just had a real monsoon. Someone up above shouted, "Oi, 'ave that!" and emptied the equivalent of the Mediterranean sea over us. My tomatoes were almost washed out of their Gro-Bag and the fuschias and petunias had their petals flagellated by stair-rods of rain. Luckily I'd seen the nasty nimbus cloud approaching and got the washing in in time. Just.


Jackie Sayle said...

Sometimes, the sheer, no, I won't say stupidity, of Babblers seeking clues; it's more about the clue givers. leaves me speechless. And, don't think I haven't spelled out a clue or two myself.

Having said that, haven't we 'Brits' (HATE that word!) had to learn a term or two ourselves?

Dorry about your broken bodyclock, Hydra. I have one, too.

Jackie Sayle said...

Dorry? Meant Sorry!

hydra said...

I prefer 'dorry'. What a cute word!