It's the first time I have ever used a pendulum. I have used my bare hands to dowse for water, but I must say the pendulum (a lapis one) gave very definite results.
I started by holding it in a beam of sunshine to 'warm it up'. Then I cupped it in my hands for a while, to attune it to me. Then I asked it to show me how it was going to move for yes, no and maybe. It wasn't what I expected. 'Yes' was a clockwise circling. I expected 'no' to be an anti-clockwise circling but instead it was a movement away from me and towards me, swinging in a line rather than a circle. 'Maybe' was a movement in a line from left to right.
I held it over each set of house details in turn and the only one that got a 'yes' was the impractical one that I fell in love with. The pendulum started slowly circling, then gained momentum so it was moving rapidly, the arc getting wider each time. I added another flat into the mix and got a 'no'. Then I changed the orders of the details. I tried it three times, always the same answer. Of course, it could have been me influencing it, either psychically or physically, making small muscle movements even though I thought I was being completely still.
I'm hooked on dowsing now. It would be interesting to be blindfolded and not know which house I was dowsing over. That will be the next experiment, if I can find a participant. Not Mr G. He doesn't believe in anything alternative. Apart from aromatherapy. He mixes me up a great potion for eczema and prickly heat and it works a treat. Geranium, bergamot and rose, I think - or is it rosemary? I really must find out.
I'm now thinking I should get a map out and dowse for places.
Just a Quickie
5 years ago
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