Sunday, 26 July 2009

I give up!

Finished the second lot of antibiotics and the tooth still hurts. Whatever can be wrong? I'm damned if I'm going back to that new dentist who wants to charge me £1800 for an implant as he says the tooth next to it (the last in the row as I lost the wisdom tooth) is too heavily filled and fragile to take a bridge. I am going to have to return cap in hand to my old dental surgery, the one I went to for a staggering 31 years, and beg them to take me back and put me back on Denplan. To think I resented paying £31 per month. Since I left, I've spent at least £500 and STILL have the problem, which would have been paid for under Denplan. Grrrr!

And despite pouring a whole bottle of Otosporin down my ear, that's no better, either. I am in despair. I would love to be scooped up, deposited in a luxury spa cum clinic, and have all my annoying problems fixed. And that includes the piles! How glamorous, eh?

1 comment:

Jackie Sayle said...

Oh dear! You are in the wars! ((HUG))