Saturday 15 November 2008

Sad, or SAD?

I feel down. So do a couple of my friends. In fact, we're swapping emails about how we are bursting into tears at the slightest thing, have no patience with our loved ones (in fact, aren't even sure if 'loved' is the right description any more), can't sleep, feel achy all over, and so on.

It struck me that we in Britain have seen very little sun for the last two years. Not only that, but grey, damp, dismal weather inspires one to stay in rather than go for a bracing walk, or even go off to the gym. My three swims so far have taken place on pouring wet days so that no sooner have I dried my hair, when I have to go out and get it wet again.

According to the medics, we all need at least ten minutes' exposure to sunlight a day - or at least what light manages to filter through the grey blanket of clouds - in order to manufacture sufficient Vitamin D. Lack of it can cause aching muscles and bone pain (tick), insomnia (tick), restlessness (tick), depression (tick), weak bones especially in post-menopausal women who have a harder time absorbing D ... the list goes on. Vitamin D can be found in salmon, shrimps, milk. sardines, cod and eggs. As I don't normally encounter many of these in my daily diet, I have just started taking Vitamin D tablets. I shall report any sudden lifting of symptoms.

Mind you, six months eating fresh sardines in the Med and getting lots of sunshine would be vastly more pleasant. Hmm... do I really want to buy another house in a grey London suburb where the air stinks of traffic fumes and which also may well be situated in a 'cancer corridor' where planes circle and waste fuel as they wait for their slot to land at Heathrow or Gatwick? The sea, the sea, the open sea, the blue, the fresh, the ever free.... Aaah! That's better.

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