Monday 16 June 2008

Glorious St Pancras

I spent a lot of time surfing and eventually found a website for the Gibraltar Chronicle and emailed them the story and photo of Thelma. I hope they use it. Fingers crossed...

Before meeting my cousin last Thursday, I had a chance to explore the new, revamped St Pancras. There were lots of interesting, though highly priced, shops and bars, and large stretches of brick wall that seemed underutilised, especially on the upper floor, but I was knocked out by the sense of space and airiness, which was so enormous that you hardly noticed the Eurostar trains until you heard the echoing roar that denoted the start, or end, of a journey.

I loved the statue of Sir John Betjeman, though he looked somewhat lost in the vast emptiness that, to give the statue scale, I included a traveller in the background. By contrast, the statue of the 1930s couple fits the space but is impossible to look at properly owing to the fact that you can't get far enough away from it to take it all in. Maybe it is meant to be viewed from the Eurostar platform. I loved it and think it is a truly talented piece of work, adding grandeur to romance and stirring the imagination. Who are they? Are they greeting or parting? I incline towards parting, because of the strength, power and clinging desperation in their embrace. But perhaps others think differently.


Jackie Sayle said...
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Jackie Sayle said...

'The Meeting Place' is a wonderful statue. You might be interested in reading this interview with the artist, Paul Day:

Jackie Sayle said...

I'll try the link a third time and see if it works!

Jackie Sayle said...

Oh good! Success at last.