Thursday 14 June 2007

Summer colds

Why are they always worse than winter ones? Why do they seem to hang around longer? Or it is that when it’s cold and wintry, you expect to get one, and when it’s warm and sunny you feel aggrieved at this rotten, unfair twist of fate?

When I went down with this two days ago, someone asked, “Why didn’t you use your own tip and tell yourself you hadn’t got a cold?” Answer: because it clobbered me IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! I awoke in the early hours, streaming and coughing, and felt too tired and miserable to try anything, be it echinacea or mind control.

Yesterday I took a Lysine capsule and 1000mg of Vit C. Today I have had 20 drops of echinacea and told the cold quite firmly that I have had enough of it and it is going. The Boyfriend has taken nothing at all for his. We’ll see who recovers first.

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