He has made it through the night. Apparently a lorry hit him and if it hadn't been for his brand new kevlar biker's outfit, he'd have been killed outright. He has fractured three neck vertebrae, his pelvis, ribs, various other bones, and has a punctured lung and they've removed his spleen. He's still in ICU but his wife's relatives journeyed overnight from Ireland and are at the hospital with her, and his brothers are on the way from Spain, so thank goodness she has people around her.
We still haven't managed to capture Mimi, the escapee. Chi Mimi, her daughter, spent all morning on my bed, watching me type. She did a lot of meowing and is obviously missing her mum.
Just a Quickie
5 years ago
Poor guy. Hope he recovers, but it's going to be a long haul isn't it.
Thank God for Kevlar! It's still going to be a long job though, as Teresa says.
Mimi is back home now, thank goodness.
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