Horrid night last night. I went straight to sleep, then jerked awake when I thought I heard someone trying to break into the house. It sounded as if they were banging the window, trying to break it. The security light (the one that lights up the bedroom) had come on. I crept to the window, peered through the curtains, couldn't see anything, then suddenly there was another loud bang, and another. It was the idiot down the road who lets off fireworks every so often, for no apparent reason and at all sorts of odd times. I looked at the clock: 11.20. I'd been asleep all of 20 minutes!
Furious though I was, I managed to get back to sleep... only to be woken again by another mysterious sound, that of somebody digging a grave. That's what it sounded like. The sound of spade hitting gravel and grating on it. The security light was on again. Back I went to the window: nothing.
Got back to sleep, then woke again at 6.24 with a horrid stomach ache. Dozed off again, clutching my tum, then crawled to the loo at 7.15, the first of many trips. Something I had eaten last night (the leftover pasta? The feta cheese?) had given both me and Mr G the collywobbles. He said he was woken at 3 by the sound of foxes fighting. Could the 'gravedigger' have been a fox noise?
Left for London at 11 as I had an appointment for the dental hygienist. And for a filling. Got home at 4.3o-ish feeling bruised, battered and exhausted. I rallied briefly at the sight of an email from the National Lottery saying 'good news about your ticket'. A million at last! Good-o. About time too, I thought as I logged on to find I had won the princely sum of £4.30 on the Euromillions. Not even a tenner. Huh!
It has been a trying day.
Just a Quickie
5 years ago
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