I have never known a plant grow as fast as this ginger plant. It grows about 1/4" a day and now look what it's done - put out another sprout. How exciting! I didn't know they could grow at both ends. If anyone else has ever grown one, please tell me what to expect. Hope it's not turning into a triffid!
Just a Quickie
4 years ago
I want to sprout ginger. Mine usually shrivels up like a prune if I leave it for too long....That, and avocado. I'm told they're easy to grow, but apparently my thumb isn't quite the proper shade of green. BTW, I found your site at Joanne Fox's, A Zigzag Road.
I've never grown ginger - and never even realised I might be able to. Do let us know how you get on. I love ginger in all sorts of recipes.
When I tried, mine suddenly wilted and went rotten. Maybe it takes a Ginger to grow ginger? (Thinking of your hair, Lorna.) LOL
It's grown even more since I took that photo! I'll take another at the end of the week.
Now you're just being smug! LOL
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