Today, I went to meet the friend whose partner is gravely ill in hospital. The quickest way to get to the hospital in question is to turn right out of the station and walk through the cemetery, an unfortunate and macabre juxtaposition. Halfway down the path, I bumped into another friend - Joan Byrne, whose excellent blog, Joan Byrne Snaps, is well worth following - and found her gazing at a stone angel with a perfectly posing pigeon on top. I was glad I'd brought my camera.
We also came across this unusual green tombstone. Green marble? Or is it faced with copper?
As you can see, it was a glorious day, if rather chilly for the last day of Summer, and we had a fantastic and remarkably cheap lunch (£7.95 for three courses) and a wonderful Turkish restaurant in Fulham. I hope that, with our laughter and reminiscences, we managed to cheer up our friend if only for an hour or so.
Just a Quickie
5 years ago
What a lovely day. But I have to tell you, I haven't seen the episode ('Blink') of Doctor Who about the stone angels (or weeping angels? I forget what they're called). Still, they are starting to frighten me. Even the ones in my church!
I haven't seen it, either. I didn't even know there was one. You've spooked me out, now!
I've got a small angel statue in the garden that was originally atop a rabbit & guinea pig grave. I keep moving it around now to spool people. *Evil grin.*
Or even to spooK people. Sorry about the typo!
Ha ha!
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