So far today I have:
* fed cat. Cat didn't like food. Gave him biscuits. Cat ate biscuits then licked food
* put on a wash
* had breakfast
* thrown out crumbs for birds (three times, three slices of bread)
* charged mobile
* made Mr Grumpy two mugs of tea
* changed bedding
* dusted bedroom
* vacuumed bedroom
* played with cat for 20 mins, lying on stomach to retrieve plastic ball from under sofa, armchair, cupboards, fridge...
* hung out washing
* tripped over cat who was slumped in exhaustion just through doorway
* brought in washing as it had started to rain and draped on airer
* made coffee and second piece of toast
* searched wardrobe for footless tights and in doing so, tidied two bags of tights, all gym clothes, all tracky tops and bottoms and put away the winter thermals#
* sorted out some clothes for the charity shop
* read two articles in Writing Magazine
* slumped in exhaustion on office chair
all while coughing, sniffing and sneezing, and it's still only 9.30 am.
Just a Quickie
5 years ago
Bloody Hell! I didn't even get up until half past 10. I've done most of Babble, am on my second large mug of tea, have eaten 3 choc digestives and that's about it.
I awoke at 4.30 am today and was up at half past 5. Sore throat, bunged up head and awful stomach ache. Mr G had a funny turn last night and I thought he was going to have another stroke. What with the worry, all my ulcer and IBS symptoms are back. Thank God he seems all right today.
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