Sunday 9 August 2009

Fox Trouble

The mangy fox that has taken up residence at the bottom of the garden is proving to be a problem. A couple of days ago, Mr Grumpy walked into the kitchen and found it had squeezed through the patio doors which were open about six inches. It scarpered when it saw him, but it means we must be on our guard now and close the doors when we're not in the kitchen, which is a major pain in hot weather.

Yesterday morning at 6 am (Mr G is an early riser), he saw Flad asleep on the step and the fox sitting next to him. It has very bad mange and an awful cough and fox mange is transferable to cats so I am very worried.

Today Mr G went into the garage to find the fox had got in and had chewed through the electrical lead of his £150 welding machine. It will take him ages to mend it and he is not amused and says Foxy has to go! But how? If we stop putting out our scraps, it may get even bolder and start coming in through the cat flap. I have suggested throwing out food into next door's garden - the old lady who lives there can no longer get out into it and the rear of the garden is wild and a home to last year's vixen and cubs who lived in the greenhouse. If we can persuade it to dine there, perhaps it will stop bothering us. Or am I hoping for too much?


Jackie Sayle said...

If the vixen isn't still there, it might work. However, if she is, she is going to chase the mangey male away.

If he's in such a bad condition as you say, I'd suggest you contact the RSPCA to come and take him and get him sorted out.

hydra said...

I'm putting out food with those fox drops on it, hoping to beat the mange. If he seems in pain, or really ill, then I'll take your advice and call the RSPCA. Though I don't know how they'd catch him unless he was at his last gasp at the bottom of the garden, poor thing.