Wednesday 15 June 2011

Cat stops blog

Our neighbour is out of Intensive Care but still in a High Dependency unit. His wife still spends all her time at the hospital and Chi Mimi is spending all hers on my lap. I can't type for her nudging my arm with her nose, licking my fingers, tapping my hand and then, if I defy all her efforts to stop me typing, she claps her front paws round my arm and swings from it. And if THAT doesn't stop me, she 6*((sx£$ x.................!


Jackie Sayle said...

Years ago, when next-door's cat decided she was half my cat, she used to either lie across my arms to try to stop me from typing or stand on the keyboard of my word processor with her bum in my face and her tail up my nose. If that failed, she would resort to her favourite ploy to get my attention - draping herself around my neck like a fox fur stole, head down one end purring in my ear and tail down the other swishing under my nostrils like some kind of tart with a feather boa. I did a cartoon of her in that position which was published a long time ago. I'll have to find it and put it on my blog.

hydra said...

I hope you can find it, Jacula, as I'd love to see it. I have now resorted to closing the door at the foot of the stairs so she can't come up. But then the poor thing just sits and howls!