His friend with the five sons is a good cake-maker and I commissioned her to make a chocolate cake in the shape of his favourite hand gesture. This wasn't quite what I was expecting, as it was a bit too lifelike. I think she could have left out the creases and wrinkles. At least she didn't add the age-spots!

One of the five sons, the second youngest, aged 2, wasn't at all well. He went to the doctor's next day and was diagnosed with tonsilitis, but today he was admitted to hospital with what they think is an infection in his hip joint. That doesn't sound good at all. His dad is staying with him all night, while mum looks after the other four at home. We're all very worried about him.
Today, I gave out leaflets in the town centre on behalf of my chiropractor. My God, I have never been so exhausted! I came home and had to lie down for two hours. It was the sheer strain of standing up and pinning on a smile for all that time, looking constantly left and right for likely customers. No, they're too young. Yes, he looks sporty, might get a sprain... How about those two with the walking sticks? Okay madam, you don't have to take one if you don't want it, but do I really deserve that filthy look? Now I know why those Oxfam and Greenpeace chuggers are always so young!
What a marvellous cake!
I hope the poor little boy is better soon and back home again. What a terrible worry for everyone. Sending positive thoughts xx
I think the weird split fingernails on the cake are what freak me out most! However, I'm sure it tasted nice.
Hope the friends' 2nd youngest will be well again soon! Also hope you got PAID for that canvassing job.
Yes, I got paid with £20 cash and a free chiro treatment. £55 in all. Not bad for three hours' work.
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